Some Ways to Provide Fire Safety Measures


Fire safety is a basic consideration in building design and management. Unfortunately, people want to skip this part. Fire safety is today more likely to be associated with both IT security and physical safety. Fire safety is more important as one accident can bring a lot of damage to both residential and commercial buildings.

Commercial fire safety features in buildings are often thought to be purely physical, such as fire sprinkler equipment, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers, those are fire safety measures that work only when there is a fire. You need those measures when a fire outbreak in your building.

But you need to think smartly by taking some smart moves in the fire safety system. Think from the start by stopping the source of fire and immediate action like installing smoke detection systems.

Make a Defence

Make a Defence

Fire sprinklers and other extinguishing systems are intended to extinguish or control the fire. Smoke control systems are typically designed to limit the spread of smoke, which keeps egress routes passable for a given period.

The fire alarm, through both activation of the fire sprinkler system and manual or automatic detection devices, provides a warning to the occupants of the building as well as notification to emergency personnel responding to the alarm.

 Outline Clear Pathways to Exit Doors

Outline Clear Pathways to Exit Doors

Getting to exits is very important as you need to ensure that people can reach the exits of the buildings. Providing enough exits is also as important as getting to exits.

Fewer exit points may create chaos and also can take someone’s life in a crucial situation.

National Buildings Code(NBC) guidelines specify the maximum distance a person must travel to access a fire exit. The importance of photo-luminescent signage to enable evacuation in the dark.

Free areas such as terraces are critical for high-rises where people can safely gather when asked to leave the building in phases.

Install Smoke Detection Systems

Install Smoke Detection Systems

The first few minutes of a fire are very crucial in containing it. Automatic fire alarm systems such as smoke and heat detectors are mandatory elements in international building codes. Those are particularly useful in spotting fires during times when the fire is low.

Maintain Smoke Suppression Systems

Maintain Smoke Suppression Systems

Skyscrapers buildings that are harder to access and evacuate must install automatic sprinkler systems. A building above the 20th floor is unreachable by the fire brigade car so it is very hard to stop the fire if there is no space for smoke suppression.

You must follow the NBC guideline and remain enough space in your building for smoke suppression.

Conduct Regular Fire Drills

Conduct Regular Fire Drills

Preventing panic in an emergency is important and also staying away from flames and fumes is important. Basic fire sessions by the local fire brigade familiarize people with emergency evacuation methods at little cost.

Ask the Local Fire Brigade to Assess the Safety

Ask the Local Fire Brigade to Assess the Safety

Fire departments of our country with a nominal fee will assess your building’s level of fire safety. Storage of hazardous or inflammable materials, old and unstable structures,

inadequate escape routes, or electricity overloads are potential death traps that are best assessed by professionals. You just need to call 999 for those facilities.

Open Spaces in the Building

Open Spaces in the Building

The first rule of fire management requires sufficient escape routes out of the building according to its scale and occupancy. The number, size, and location of exits are specified in the National Building Code (NBC) 2005, a detailed set of guidelines for constructing, maintaining, and operating buildings of all types.

Office occupiers must also ensure that staircases, stairwells, and corridors are well-maintained, ventilated, and free of obstacles to be effective in an emergency.

Comply with National Building Code
Comply with National Building Code

The building owner must follow the rules provided by the NBC and comply with them. At the time of construction, you must remember those rules in your head.

‘Smart Moves’ can save ‘More Life’

You can check the shortlist on your own. Take some smart moves in your commercial or residential building to save more lives and minimize the damage.

  • Control smoking materials and open flames.
  • Store flammable and combustible liquids safely.
  • Use electrical equipment correctly.
  • Perform general housekeeping tasks regularly.
  • Purchase fire-safe furnishings, decorations, and interior finishes.
  • Maintain commercial kitchen exhaust systems.
  • Control special hazards.
  • Use flame-retardant materials in interiors.
  • Fire extinguishers are only useful if they work, so check them regularly.
  • Make your office accessible to firefighters.
  • Keep the building plans handy.

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