Legal Steps You Need To Know Before Constructing A House


Building a home is a dream for anyone, no doubt. If you have wonderful land in your suitable position and enough money at the same time, you are not ready to build your home then. We are sure, it might sound no good to you but this is the reality. Yes, it is!

Each and every country has some law of the land that every citizen has to follow while building a house. And none of us is outside this boundary. Don’t think it is a hassle for you rather the laws are made for your betterment.

After knowing all these rules and regulations and you should move forward following all those legal steps. It ensures your home’s safety and your building structure is made under all laws of the land.

Most of the time, we learn from where we do mistakes. But nobody wants to do any mistake while making their dream. It is natural that you may not have the idea about the legal steps you need to know before constructing a house because it might be your first home that you are going to build. But in this guide, we will know all those are important and mandatory to know.

Legal Steps and The Laws You Must Have To Know

It is not only applicable for the home but also for any structure in the town. If you go to build a business mall or other structure, you are bound to obey all rules of the Government. We are not going to talk about the other structure. Let’s know the legal steps that are related to building a home.

Land Clearance

The Government can take your property if needed. Of course, the Government pays you for that. And the Government may have a plan of some particular area for the development of the country. And the information might not in your brain. But how do you know that? Because of this reason, you should have the approval to use your land for building a home.

If you are living in a place that area is regulated by RAJUK, then you have to get permission from the RAJUK. On the other hand, the Union office, Upazila office, and District office can also give you land clearance when you are outside the area. Just remember, you shouldn’t go forward without having land clearance.

Permits and Plans

After getting land clearance you will have to get the permit for building a home on the land. It is mandatory and one of the most important legal steps also. The same authority (Mentioned in the ‘’land clearance’’ section) gives you this approval. You get this doesn’t mean everything you have done. After getting this you will submit your application with the design of the home. The building design should have the proper measurement, drawing of the home, every floor plan, and the elevation and exterior view. Then the authority will give the permission if it is correctly created and suitable for your hand.

There is also has a scope to build your building without getting this permission. But you must have to get this approval today or tomorrow. But if you have made it without getting a building plan, you will have to pay a healthy amount of fine and maximum ten times of the legal cost. Now say, will you go under this path?


The strength and longevity of your home greatly depend on the foundation. What and the ratio of material is mention in your building plan. And your contractor will make this foundation according to the building plan. But you won’t continue construction until you get foundation approval from the authorized inspector. Yes, you have to notify the inspector while preparing the foundation of your house. He will come and give him an opinion either the foundation is made correctly or not! If your foundation is not made according to the foundation plan that was carried by a registered IEB engineer then it might be rejected. So, tell your contractor to conduct every task without having any fault.

Services and Utilities

You can’t live in your home without utility connections even it has been completed. Definitely, you will apply for all utility connections to every concerned authority. But it’s a wise decision to collect all papers and submit those before you start living in the house. It is not like that you apply for the connection and they will give you it within a few days. Sometimes, they get enough time to verify your all papers and then they give a connection.

For electricity connection, you have to know which authority gives the connection in that area. One more electricity supply authority provides electric connections all over Bangladesh and they are DESCO, DESA, DPDC, PDB, and Palli Bidyut. And you have to apply the authority that covers the area.

The task is almost the same for the gas connection. You can directly apply to the Ministry of Energy for a gas connection. Titas is also a giant Government gas distributor company in Bangladesh and you can also apply to Titas. Before applying for gas ensure if your area has the gas supply or not!

Last Thoughts

You may think there are a few steps that can be within just a few days. To be honest, it is not like what you think. According to RAJUK, you will have to wait more or late 45 days for design approval. And it may vary. But if you don’t have all papers ready, collect them first otherwise it will take more time.

We personally advise you to hire a good contractor whom you can trust. Think you are going to build your dream. Don’t let it handle by such a person who is not an expert and who is not serious about his work. Remember a good contractor can also help you in this regard as he is also concern about the legal steps you need to know before constructing a house.

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