12 Reasons To Buy A Home


Home is where the heart is! Everybody needs a home where they can come to after a day of work. Here are 12 Reasons why you should buy a home rather than Rent.

1.House prices tend to rise over time.

A home purchase is one of the best investments you can make. We’re four to five years into the biggest housing bust in modern history. And prices have come down a long way– about 30 percent to 50 percent (certain areas) from their peak. Home prices in Bangladesh have risen 5 percent to 10 percent a year for the past 20 years, and that trend is likely to continue. If you buy a home now, you’ve put your capital in a safe long-term investment where it’s likely to grow.

2. Sell your home when you please.

Sell your home and avoid paying capital gains tax. After selling, you can upgrade to a larger home.

3. The home will be yours.

Do what you want with the home. Paint it purple, have black carpet, punch a hole in the wall. These types of changes are often impossible when renting but when you own a home, you can design it as you please

4. Interest rates are currently low.

In some areas, your mortgage payment could be less than your rent! The home loan interest rate is Flat 9% in Bangladesh. 

5. You’ll have the peace of mind of owning your own home.

No more worrying about crazy landlords or rent increases, you’ll be able to live in your home for as long as you like, and have a fixed payment each month for 30 years! No more unwelcome surprises!

6. Pride of ownership.

Owning your own home gives the owner and their family a sense of security and stability.

7. Have as many pets as you want.

Love your pets? Homeowners can relax and enjoy their pets without worrying about landlords!

8. It’s a buyer’s market.

No need for you to settle for anything less than the house of your dreams.

9. Freedom.

The home is yours. You can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to your lifestyle.

10. Stability.

Remaining in one neighborhood for several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the community. It also offers children the benefit of educational and social continuity. 

11. Predictability.

Unlike rent, your fixed-rate mortgage payments don’t rise over the years so your housing costs may actually decline as you own the home longer. However, keep in mind that property taxes and insurance costs will likely increase.

12. Home office. 

The work-at-home phenomenon may not vanish after the pandemic fades, which means more of us will need a home office. The right setup makes a difference in comfort and productivity. Those needing that work-at-home space can find it on the market – if they act quickly.


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