Frequently Asked Questions

When will we get the Project hand over?

The project will be handed over in 36-42 months from the time of the start of the work. Sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances times might increase, however it will be consented by the Landowners. 

Is Renting or Buying Better?

Renting increases someone else’s wealth, while Buying increasing one’s own wealth. 

Can I get a Loan? 

Yes you can, you need a stable job or a Stable Business. We can connect you with our Partner Banks who provide Home Loans at a good Interest rate. 

What Do I Look for in Homes?

You look for the Location, proximity to businesses and the value your home would provide for you. Typically we suggest to get your homes in your neighborhood of work and education. This will save a lot of time. 

Can I Ask You for Advice?

Yes, you can ask for advice. Just WhatsApp us at +8801312408146.

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Call or WhatsApp us at +8801312408146.


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